If you are looking for something a little more remote than the southern part of the Abacos, then the islands to the north, including Allans-Pesacola Cay will give you that secluded feel. This Cay has it all, a very protected anchorage, long secluded beaches, sea-life in abundance, and even some other small Cays close by to explore in the dinghy. It is a great stop when traveling to and from Green Turtle Cay, or to just leave the Green Turtle area and go there and back for a few days.
There is one main anchorage on the south west side of the Cay. Plenty of room so you don't need to worry about getting there and no space available. Here, and in the Bahamas in general, you should look for a sandy patch in the sea grass. Down here, these are called sandboxes. Your anchor will hold much better, not having to cut through the grass, and also will dig deep into the sand. Don't be afraid to back down on your anchor to make sure it is set. People dive on their anchor or break out the "looking bucket" as well to make sure it is buried. Stay to the end of the video above for a look through a looking bucket. Most of the time this main anchorage will be fine, but when the wind kicks up from the west then things can get a little rough in the bay. At that time it may be wise to head to Green Turtle Cay, or if there are not too many boats, head to the hurricane hole to the south east side of the island. We didn't use it but its good to know it is there.
Things To Do
With its many surrounding islands and private beaches, there is a lot to do here, and one could stay here for a while and not run out of things. We even know people who spend the winter primarily at this Cay. You can fill your days with fishing, kayaking, paddleboarding, shelling, snorkelling, and just general exploration.
We stopped at Allans-Pensacola twice on our trip through the Abacos. In our opinion it is mandatory anchoring for any Bahamas cruiser.
If you have any questions on the video or other things about Allans-Pensacola Cay, or things we should have done and we missed, please feel free to comment on YouTube or in the comments below. If you have been to Allans-Pensacola Cay, we would love to hear what your favourite adventure was in there. We look forward hearing from all of you! Cheers!