Excited was an understatement. We were elated, euphoric, ecstatic? Maybe words cannot describe how we felt to be crossing the Gulf Stream into the Bahamas to begin our winter in paradise.
After an unexpected breezy night at anchor just south of our departure point, Lake Worth Inlet, we had some doubts if we should leave. We were not sure if the Gulf Stream would die down in that wind. However, almost everyone who was heading to the Bahamas, left that morning. Even some well respected weather services said this was the day to go. So we did.
Our route was to take us out of Lake Worth Inlet into the Atlantic Ocean. Hit the Gulf Stream about 10 miles offshore which would push at our starboard beam with a 4 knot current. We set our compass for the West End of the Bahamas, so the current wouldn't carry us north of Memory Rock. We wanted to cross the Bahama Bank south of Memory Rock and then keep on to anchor at Mangrove Cay.
Our planned route across the Gulf Stream and into the Bahamas
Watch the video below for an explanation of our weather window, and what happens when we make the attempt to cross to the Bahamas.