To celebrate the very real possibility that we have a new boat and that we will be cruising south to the Bahamas on our own bottom in the Fall of 2015, we have revamped Searching for C-Shels web presence. The new site will escape the confines of Google Blogger and feature full screen imagery, simpler navigation, and wide format blog posts and photographs. You can also follow us on your social network of your choice; Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, and Twitter. Twitter’s new Periscope will be interesting to use, when we have a decent connection we should be able to live stream some of our cruising, crossings, and stopovers.

Videos should start to get a little more interesting as well. We have purchased a Splash Drone that we will use for both aerial and underwater footage. It should arrive in June/July so look for some Blog and Video updates on that.

We also have new Logos for Searching for C-Shels, and C-Shel Photography. All done by Hunter Hill. If you need any branding or design work done, he is your man. Thanks Hunter!

To give you a hint of our mission here, check out our new Channel Trailer below, then check out the About Us page.

Please let us know what you think in the comments below. We are excited for the future and hope you subscribe, share this site, and follow us.
